Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Mans Challenge Is Another's Burden

I will start this post with an apology.  Sorry, sorry sorry, sorry. Some weeks back I posted a challenge on the Crossfit London UK site. 100 days of burpees.  This challenge was introduced to me about three years ago and right now its day 47 and this is my third time......sorry had to do some burpees.....Right where was I? This challenge is hard, very hard.  It is a long time repeating the same thing, although you can vary them in style and I have written about this.  Its physically and mentally draining. Like any physical task taken to new levels it can expose your weaknesses.  Shoulder, wrist and back pain are common.  Mentally tough? You bet, imagine, by day 80 you wake every morning thinking when and where am I going to get these done?  It is 5050 burpees in total! I have posted other challenges in the past. Most are about a month long and look to improve a particular movement, handstands, press ups and dead lifts for example. Look through my articles at Crossfit London Uk and you will see them.  But this challenge is over 3 months long.  It is mammoth and I did not appreciate this until I started to see people hurting, suffering and dropping out.  I will be honest at first I felt disappointed but on reflection why should I? Many people walk to Everest with good intent only to be beaten.  There is no shame in this.  An old saying says " Fear failure but never fear to fail." It means never baulk at a challenge because you think you might not complete it but instead tell yourself you will do your up most. Learn from your challenge, examine where you went wrong and how you can improve to take it on again. Ask what actually improved during the challenge and remember this for the next time.

My lesson in all this? Just 'cos I did it does not mean everyone else can too. There are plenty of challenges in life I know I would fail at but it would never mean I would not be happy to take it on. Three words can sum this up: Bloody double unders!

So if you are still in the challenge I am here for you. Write me, phone me, talk to me, anything to help and support you.  If you tried and had to stop well you are way ahead of those who simply declined and there are more of them than us!


  1. Colin - I'll need more support from you soon I'm sure, but right now I'm feeling super proud of myself and in a great headspace. just being able to do 20 flawless men's pressups (and finding them easy!) has made the challenge so far 100% worth it. Yes my training might currently be 89% burpees, but they're a transferable skill, innit!

    I know 100% for sure I wouldn't still be doing this if I didn't have the support of you and the other great coaches - so thanks... but be prepared for more whining when I hit my next wall!

  2. Now thats has made me grin from ear to ear. :-)

  3. Still here in it...till the end!

  4. I'm loving the challenge. At first I thought will I ever make it to the end, I still have to, but the fact that I have to do them everyday means I have to do a workout of some sort, which is a good thing right? Little and often and rise to the challenge. It has made me so much stronger in terms of upper body strength and I find I can do more full press ups than 'girly' ones now! I'm not looking forward to when the challenge ends and I'm already thinking about what I can do next! Get your thinking cap on Fatty!
